Why we exist
Markets work because of what Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter called “Creative Destruction”. He describes it as a "process of industrial mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one".
To address sustainability at the speed and scale required - which has been the life long focus of the company's founders - we need creative destruction on steroids!
The old, linear, waste generating, fossil fuel powered industrial system needs to be destroyed and replaced with a new one. Fortunately this is already underway in the energy sector, with fossil fuels now in terminal decline. But we need it every sector and every country. And we need it urgently.
That’s why we formed Disruptive Consulting. We support large companies - that are already leaders in sustainability - to disrupt and transform their own markets. To make money at the expenses of competitors who are sustainability laggards. To accelerate, and then win, the market race to sustainability.